Parking filter interface
Parking filter icons
(created in Photoshop)
Icon Design for Streetline Smart Parking
My role: Interface Design / Product Management
Tools used: Photoshop
Project goals: To create an interface for added features like the ability to search for electric vehicle and handicapped parking spots. I collaborated with the engineers and lead product manager to structure the interface and layout of the parking filter process.
Key insights: Differentiating the credit and debit icons was especially tricky because the cards look so similar. We looked at a few options, and found that when one card icon was slightly tilted, people clearly distinguished the icons as representing different forms of payment. The mono gram "C" or "D" then enabled users to know which one was credit or debit.
Client: Streetline Smart Parking
Medium of presentation: Mobile
Streetline parking interface - showing price of parking icons
Parking availability icons
(Toggle-able with the price icons)
Parking Availability and Price Icons
My role: Interface Design / Product Management
Tools used: Photoshop
Project goals: To create a map and icons that would inform the user of both the availability and price of parking per block.
Key insights: We know that when trying to find parking, your first priority is to find a spot, but your second priority is the price. For most people, color is a great indication of parking availability, where red means low, and green means a high number of open spots per block. We were able to use the text space in the circle icons to represent the price of parking. This works most of the time, except for with color blind users (approx. 6% of users). For those of us with red-green impairment we made the price a toggle-able switch with the three availability icons (shown directly to the left).
Client: Streetline Smart Parking
Medium of presentation: Mobile
"Guided Enforcement" Interface Work Flow
My role: Experience design / User researcher
Tools used: Photoshop + PowerPointProject goals: To create a fast work flow for parking enforcement officers to identify expired meters. The interface needed to be quick and high contrast to be effective in outdoor (high glare) situations.
Client: Streetline
Medium of presentation: Motorola specialty hand-held device
Assests created by Aryn Shelander